Independence Day

Every year, the Indonesia’s Independence Day is celebrated with various festivities to commemorate the country declaration of independence from the shackles of colonization in 1945. 78 years has passed and this annual celebration never fails to bring the community together in both,
serene and festive manners. Communities across the archipelago celebrate this special day with patriotic flag raising ceremony, cultural parades and interesting traditional competitions to liven up the spirit of independence.
Ever since the school was first established in 2015, Al Mazaya Islamic School has joined and celebrated the festivity of Independence Day. This year’s celebration is themed “Terus Melaju untuk Indonesia Maju”, meaning the citizens must keep moving forward for an advanced Indonesia. Al Mazaya Islamic School designated two special days for the celebration, on the first day a very serene flag raising ceremony was held. 30 top students from junior and senior high school were chosen as this year’s flag raising troops or known as Paskibraka. The troops had been training diligently for a month to prepare and give their best for this sacred ceremony. Invitations to join the ceremony were shared to the parents of troops, in hope that they could witness and be proud of the achievement of their children.
On the second day, the jolly festivity began. The school held various traditional competitions for students to join. The competitions were cracker-eating competition (makan kerupuk), sarung relay competition (estafet sarung), pencil in bottle competition (pensil dalam botol) and marbles racing competition (balap kelereng). Students were absolutely enthusiastic; excitement can be heard by the screams of all the students present, the euphoria lasted for the whole day. The day ended with the winners of the competitions were given prizes and certificates.
“Today was so fun. My classmates and I have been waiting the whole year for today to join the competition again and be the winner, to show that our class is the best and the most competitive.” Said Daffano, one of the 9th graders.
The school expressed that with this annual celebration, students will carry out greater enthusiasm to preserve local traditions and to bravely face every challenge they will encounter in the future as they will be the next generation to protect this country.